Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Vocabulary Blog Five

1. Page 194- Dissolutionthe closing down or dismissal of an assembly, partnership, or official body
2. Page 199- Demarcationthe action of fixing the boundary or limits of something
3. Page 200- Variegatedexhibiting different colors, especially as irregular patches or streaks
4. Page 201- Cyclicoccurring in cycles; regularly repeated
5. Page 203- Dittya short simple song
6. Page 203- Ruddy(of a person's face) having a healthy red color
7. Page 206- Credoa statement of the beliefs or aims that guide someone's actions
8. Page 208- Missala book containing the texts used in the Catholic Mass throughout the year
9. Page 213- Spadeful(plural spadefuls or spadeful) The amount held by (or moved by) a spade (shovel) at once. A shovelful
10. Page 214- Rivulets: a very small stream 

This is a variegated leaf: 

Related image

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