Friday, October 26, 2018

Analytical Blog Six

What causes negative energy and how can you defeat it?

In my book, 'Salem's Lot, there is a house that is claimed to be haunted. Hubie Marsten and his wife lived in a mansion in Jerusalem's Lot, a small town in Maine. He killed himself and his wife in their home, decades prior to when the book takes place. The main character, Ben, broke into the house as a dare when he was a young boy. He claimed to have seen the disturbing ghost of Hubie Marsten which caused him trauma for the rest of his life. After leaving Jerusalem's Lot, he returned well into his adulthood, only to discover the sinister fate of his childhood town. He believes that emotions and events that are spent in a house linger there forever. I have heard this statement before, and I know people do things to get rid of negative energy in their homes. This is all based on spirituality and supernatural beliefs that varies from person to person. I have had many personal experiences with bad energy, especially in homes and places. I wanted to look more deeply into the idea of bad energy and how and why it may linger in an area.

There are different kinds of bad energy and causes for them. Bad energy can be range simply a negative attitude, to lost or wandering spirits. Bad energy may be in a person, home, objects or areas. There are tons of causes of bad energy in a person, including being mentally ill or unstable, overly critical of self, blaming others for personal issues, out of control anger and emotion, not doing things that bring enjoyment to yourself, and overall just being a negative person. In a home or area, it is believed that technological, earth, metaphysical factors can carry bad energy. It is believed that cell phone towers or power lines can cause a shift in energy but it is also possible from devices such as cell phones, computers, or microwave ovens as well. Earth energies can turn bad when a shift in the land underneath your home or disturbance in underground water occurs. Metaphysically, bad energy can be caused by non physical beings, very negative emotion or conflict by the previous occupants. There are other beliefs and causes, but these are the main ones.

To fight bad energy or remove it, there are many things one can do. If anyone has the symptoms and signs I listed above, there is a chance you have bad energy in your life. There are ways to be rid of it and move on. To remove bad energy from your home, it is recommended that you add plant life to your home, sprinkle salt, burn white sage, and spraying essential oils is said to help. People also have different types of "healing crystals." There are tons of different healing crystals, that are said to bring positive energy. The clear quartz crystal is said to be the most powerful in clearing negative energy. Healing crystals can be purchased online or in many stores. To get rid of personal negative energy, meditation and deep breathing is strongly recommended. Getting exercise and appreciating nature is helpful as well. Avoiding negative people, and letting go of things that do not matter. Helping others, taking responsibility for self, and lowering expectations can also be effective to clearing bad energy. There are many techniques out there, and different things work for different people. It is all about finding what works for you and makes you feel more positive. Most people experience negative energy in their lives at some point whether they are aware of that or not, and it is not permanent. 

Image result for cleansing aura

Other spiritual ways to remove negative energy:


  1. So which of the things in the above paragraph have you tried or do you do regularly? I was sort of laughing to myself as I read it because, as I mentioned in your previous blog, I really like learning about energy, healing, practice meditation, yoga, etc. So I've done basically everything you wrote about, including smudge my house with lavender! :)

  2. Hi, Hannah. I don't know if you'll ever look at this blog again, but I'm not sure of any other way to reach you since you wouldn't be on School Loop anymore. I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading your work first quarter. I know that you don't believe post-secondary education is necessary to be successful in life, and I understand that in some careers it isn't, I know that you could do extremely well in college classes if you ever did become interested in a career where a degree was necessary or beneficial. I was sorry to hear you left, honestly. I hope that you'll keep reading and learning, regardless of formal education, and that you'll have a healthy and happy life. Take care, Ms. Fichera

  3. This is really cool,I never really knew that there were multiple causes for bad energy,I always just thought that it was just people that caused it.(Kelsey)

  4. Thank you for your words of encouragement, it means more than you know. I have plenty of goals I hope to achieve. I have had obstacles that prevent me from doing so, but I am working on getting past those to live my best life. I plan on taking college classes in January to study business and hopefully go into the legal field. I very much enjoyed your class, I found it therapeutic and expressive. Thank you for genuinely caring about your students and your job, you are a great teacher.
    Well wishes,

  5. Best of luck on your journey Hannah! Loved reading about the different types of energy posted here with your blog.


Analytical Blog Six

What causes negative energy and how can you defeat it? In my book, 'Salem's Lot, there is a house that is claimed to be haunted. ...