Thursday, October 18, 2018

Quotation Blog Five

'Salem's Lot Stephen King

"If a fear cannot be articulated, it cannot be conquered," (King 302).

The only way to get over a fear is by acknowledging, addressing, and facing it. If one keeps their fears and phobias bottled up, they cannot conquer them. Like most issues and emotional problems, keeping them to oneself can be very harmful and show through bad habits, behavior, reactions and more. Phobias fall under the category of anxiety disorders and are likely triggered by abuse or trauma. Traumatic experiences will stay with people forever, but there is a chance to move on and live a normal life with the right treatment. Jaycee Dugard, a woman who spent eighteen years locked in a shed where she was sexually abused daily was rescued in 2009. She now is the author of two sensational memoirs in which she says she was able to live happily, conquer her fears and let go of her past. I can only imagine the amount of fear she lived with everyday, for her life and those of her children that her captor fathered. The only way she was able to move on was by accepting and articulating her feelings to a therapist and those around her. If she had kept them to herself, she would not have been able to function in the world. This goes for everyone, not just people who are victims of unspeakable abuse. 

It is not unusual to have weird fears or even phobias that interfere with everyday life and functioning. Phobias are usually irrational fears of a particular object or situation that lasts for a long period of time. The fears can be mild, moderate or extreme, it is a spectrum. Some common phobias are arachnophobia, fear of spiders, acrophobia, fear of heights, claustrophobia, the fear of confined spaces. Those are very common, but they can be very random and weird such as chromophobia, the fear of colors, octophobia, the fear of the figure it, or Scolionophobia, the fear of school. It is okay to have phobias, as long as you face them and are able to live a normal life. As Stephen King said, the only way to overcome a fear is to talk about it. 

I did research to figure out what treatment is recommended to people who suffer from phobias. Apparently the best way to cure or treat a phobia, one must go to psychotherapy. With a professional, one who suffers from phobia will generally receive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. In CBT, one learns how to master their fear by changing the way they think. One learns different beliefs and views on their phobia which may take away the overwhelming feelings they have about their phobia. Once one begins to talk about their fears, that is the beginning to conquering it. 

1 comment:

  1. That quote makes such an excellent point. We need to express things to fix them.


Analytical Blog Six

What causes negative energy and how can you defeat it? In my book, 'Salem's Lot, there is a house that is claimed to be haunted. ...