Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Analytical Blog Two

Essential Question: 
What does the mind of a horror author look like?

As I have discussed in a past blog, I consider writing a therapeutic way to express myself and my feelings. Creative writing is suggested by many mental health professionals to people who suffer from mental illnesses as a positive coping strategy. A lot of famous writers and poets were mentally ill, such as Sylvia Plath who was bipolar and depressed. A lot of people do not like to talk about themselves, so writing down one's feelings can go a long way. It is shocking what one can truly express through writing, whether it’s journalling or creative. I personally believe that people who have inner demons or struggles are better writers. They are relatable, and generally more creative because their minds have more depth. Not only horror authors, but most great writers or poets have some sort of dark history or trauma. Edgar Allen Poe's father left him at a young age, then his mother passed away a year later. Throughout the rest of his life was surrounded by constant loss while battling severe alcoholism and disease. All his poems are extremely depressing which show a lot about how he was feeling inside. Poe is widely regarded as one of the best poets in history. The intense darkness of his work is alluring to many people, who sympathize or even relate to Poe. People are interested in what his life must have been like to lead him to the dreary poetry he wrote. Poe's life was full of tragedy and nobody deserves to experience the loss he did, so writing was his outlet. This can be said for many other world renowned authors as well as regular everyday people. I know children with anger management issues who write in a journal every night just to release some pent up anger that their day brought, and it really helps them. 

 Everytime I read, I find myself pondering on the author’s life. I analyze their writing, trying to imagine what their lives have been like. Written words usually have pain and deeper meaning by those who wrote them. Their personal experience is reflected through writing, even if is subconsciously. Often times I go as far to research their upbringings and writing inspiration online. Being someone who enjoys horror, mystery and creepy writing, I am attracted to books by Stephen King and poems by Edgar Allen Poe. Both of them have dark pasts that affect their mind and writing. 

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it's a matter of how transparent people are willing to be (or not).


Analytical Blog Six

What causes negative energy and how can you defeat it? In my book, 'Salem's Lot, there is a house that is claimed to be haunted. ...