Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Quick Burst Two

Pertaining to my last quotation blog, in which I wrote about Beth Brodie, a teenage murder victim from Groveland, I learned that her killer, Richard Baldwin, may be paroled. There is a new law that states that juveniles who were convicted and sentenced, are subject to appeals. The argument is made that the brain of a child is not fully developed, therefore they should not have to pay the price for their crime. I find is absurd in this case especially because Baldwin is a clear psychopath who planned to murder Beth Brodie in a gruesome way. He is a clear danger to society and if he is released, I believe he will hurt more people. Due to the premeditation and brutality of his crime he was sentenced to life without parole, over two decades ago. Now a grown man, he may get the chance to walk free.
 Why should Baldwin get the chance to live a free life after he stole Brodie’s?
Here are some articles pertaining what I have discussed here:

I also found a Facebook page dedicated to the justice of Beth Brodie, with almost 3,000 likes. On the page, there is a link to the following website:

Here is a photo of the site:

 Her friends and family are dedicated to keeping Baldwin off the streets. The website is very interactive and shows how important having justice for Brodie means to those who knew her. Please check it out and give the Facebook page a like. Beth, her family and friends have been through hell, showing this small amount of support means the world to them.


  1. Wow, this is certainly pertinent. Do you know the family personally or just the terrible story?

  2. This story is awful. I too agree that if this man took her life he should not just get to walk away and live his.


Analytical Blog Six

What causes negative energy and how can you defeat it? In my book, 'Salem's Lot, there is a house that is claimed to be haunted. ...