Thursday, October 4, 2018

Quotation Blog Three

'Salem's Lot by Stephen King 

"Mark Twain said a novel was a confession to everything by a man who had never done anything," (King 160).

I love quotes that are open for interpretation to the reader. I love that there can be so much depth behind a simple sentence that may seem meaningless to some people. This quote was taken from Mark Twain, the sensational writer of Huckleberry Finn. He is well respected for his work as an author. 

To me, the quote is saying authors show their hidden dreams or desires through their writing. Sometimes we are unable to accomplish all our dreams for financial, physical, social or emotional reasons. Sometimes they are irrational or even impossible. Passion is key to writing a good novel, so when an author feels strongly about a goal, dream or desire it makes their writing captivating. Authors will write a fictional story disguising their unaccomplished dreams and desires within the story. They create a character or setting can make them feel like they are living it. For example, if an author wishes they were a traveler, they will make a character who travels to many locations and use imagery to make not only the reader feel like they are there, but them self as well. Anytime I am reading, I become so invested in the story that I feel like I am there myself. But when I write my own stories, I feel like I am truly lost in the world I am writing about. Writing is an escape, for many to a better place. The characters may reflect what the author wishes they were as a person. A lot of times authors give characters traits that they wish they had themselves, like contentment, success or happiness. People build images of what they want to be, and writing about it may help them achieve their goal to change. At the same time, showing failed goals and dreams through writing is definitely a coping strategy to ease guilt, pain or unfulfillment. Even just pretending to live one's dreams is temporarily therapeutic. Mark Twain's words are very accurate and have a lot of important meaning. 

Image result for mark twain

1 comment:

  1. That is a clever Mark Twain quote to use. I think you could, however, go into more depth here.


Analytical Blog Six

What causes negative energy and how can you defeat it? In my book, 'Salem's Lot, there is a house that is claimed to be haunted. ...