Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Quotation Blog One

'Salem's Lot by Stephen King 
31 pages read

In the book 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King, the main character, Ben Mears is an author who has not been very successful. He is travelling to Jerusalem's Lot, a fictional town in Maine where he once lived. He is very intrigued by the town because of it's paranormal history. Once he arrives in Jerusalem's Lot, he is walking in the park to see a pretty girl reading far in the distance. When he approaches her, she is reading his book and expresses she is a big fan of his writing. I picked the following quote because it can be applied to many different areas of life. It is very powerful and worded beautifully.

"'Of such inconsequential beginnings dynasties have begun,' he said, and although it was a joking throwaway remark, it hung oddly in the air, like prophecy spoken in jest."

Ben is saying that small, insignificant actions can create a much larger effect. One's actions will always have an effect on others and the world around us, but it may be way more meaningful or powerful than expected. He said those words jokingly, but realized they had an important meaning. In Ben's case could be trying to charm the girl he approached in the park by saying his book brought them together and caused their meeting. He could also just be talking about his career as a writer in general, or something much deeper.

As humans, we all make mistakes. We may act or speak irrationally, or do things without thinking them through logically. It happens to everyone at least once, and that is okay as long as you take a lesson from it. I have learned that it is very important to think about the possible effect of my actions before I do them. I have made many rash, stupid decisions based off of things I considered to be insignificant. Due to that, I have hurt others and myself. All people have different sensitivity levels and it is important to be considerate of that at all times. For example, there are certain racist and homophobic slurs used by people in a "joking" manor who do not actually feel any hatred. This language is a problem because it is extremely offensive and hurtful to mass amounts of people, even if it is not coming from a place of unacceptance. While using those words may seem insignificant to one person, it could really hurt another. This quote can be interpreted in many different ways, both positive and negative which I really love. It is also a reminder that something that you may find inconsequential, could have a drastic effect on someone else, or the world around you.


This wonderfully written article delves into how your actions can effect someone else and how to avoid hurting other people. It is very sweet and adds a lot of positivity into this world. I recommend reading it just to remind yourself of the ripple effect your actions can have.


  1. Great blog post! I love where you went with the quotation and how you didn't stick straight to the literal meaning after you said what it meant in the novel itself. Good work.

    1. Thank you! I found it very fun to write about because there are many different ways to interpret the quote.

  2. This is very well thought out and it shows that you are very interested in this topic. I like the quote you choose and how you went in depth on the meaning of it!


Analytical Blog Six

What causes negative energy and how can you defeat it? In my book, 'Salem's Lot, there is a house that is claimed to be haunted. ...