Thursday, September 20, 2018

Analytical Blog One

Essential Question: Why is Stephen King considered one of the best horror writers?

Stephen King is by far one of the best and most prosperous writers of this time. People who are not necessarily big into horror books read his because they are so alluring. He has countless international best selling books that have turned into very successful movies. It seems like he never runs out of content despite the fact he has been writing for decades. He has a way of drawing the reader in with suspense, creativity and overall amazing writing. I have always been intrigued by his mind and how he brainstorms his crazy book ideas and runs with them for up to one thousand pages.

I think people admire Stephen King's work so much because of his originality. His eccentric ideas and story lines were never seen before, which resulted in people being drawn to them. He also has immense passion for writing, unlike some writers who are uninspired and boring. King genuinely cares about the quality of his books. He says he reads and writes for six hours a day, in order to become a better author. People who dislike King will classify him as only a one genre author, his writing is in fact very versatile. King is not only a writer of horror, but also historical and science fiction books. I believe he has a somewhat dark, wandering mind and found writing as an outlet for that. King's father left his family as child, and he witnessed his friend being struck and killed by a train. His childhood trauma seems to inspire and fuel the darkness of his writing. Years later he lost his mother to uterine cancer, which was difficult for him because she solely raised him and his brother. As well as battling extreme drug addiction to alcohol and various benzodiazepines, and even being struck by a car in 1999. King has lead a decently traumatic life. 

Personally, I have found solace in writing. It is creative and healthy way for me to reveal my darker, hidden thoughts. It has helped me through some rough times in my life and I consider it a coping strategy of mine. I love letting my mind drift off into a fictional world or a different reality while expressing myself and showing feelings I have trouble talking about out loud. Due to my personal experience with writing, I often like to think more deeply about the mind of the author when I read a book. I like to consider what may possibly be going through their heads and what inspires them to write. A writer can only be good if they are inspired, passionate and hardworking. Generally, people with more life experience are better writers. I find King not only an incredible writer, but a fascinating mind as well. 

Image result for stephen king

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy reading your reflections. Writing clearly and interestingly seems to come naturally to you, which is great. And I'm glad you use it for catharsis.
    As far as your blog is concerned, if you want to keep it centered, that's ok, but in that case maybe skip lines between paragraphs. And the part where you start talking about your own interest in writing you want to make a completely separate paragraph than the one it's in now.


Analytical Blog Six

What causes negative energy and how can you defeat it? In my book, 'Salem's Lot, there is a house that is claimed to be haunted. ...